Grigore Counselling & Associates

Watch If Your Relationship Needs Help FAST

If your relationship requires the fastest and most effective form of treatment, please schedule a complimentary consultation to determine if our program is right for you.

(We encourage you to explore this option even if “nothing has worked before,” because this is unlike anything you’ve ever tried before.)

Total Immersion EMDR Couples' Retreat

Total Immersion EMDR Couples’ Retreat combines Total Immersion EMDR with Emotionally Focused Couples’ Therapy (EFCT) for a cutting-edge therapeutic approach. EFCT helps couples identify their “conflict cycle,” where negative beliefs and past traumas of each partner interlock and trigger each other. Total Immersion EMDR addresses and alters these negative beliefs at a pace approximately 24 times faster than standard EMDR, which is already quicker than traditional therapy methods.

Relationship Stress Treatment Services & Pricing - Grigore Counselling

It’s not one of you, it’s both of you. 

Our Total Immersion EMDR Couples Retreat can help couples with: Dysfunctional Communication Patterns, Healing Past Wounds (ex. Infidelity, Individual Trauma / PTSD, Anxiety, Depression, Self- and Relationship- Sabotaging Behaviours and Cycles), Increasing Capacity for Connection and Intimacy, and more…in 2 weeks or less.

Available in both virtual and in-person formats, this program is unlike anything available on the market.

In under 2 weeks, your relationship could receive the transformation you’re desperate for, and the long-term support to ensure your results continue to improve over time.

APA endorses EMDR for mental health
APA endorses EMDR for mental health
International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies logo
APS logo black and white
National Health Society recommends EMDR


Couple's Virtual Retreat

Inquire for Pricing
  • Financing Available
  • Work 1-1 With Robert Virtually
  • Leading Edge Approach

    Clinically Verified
  • Fastest Results**
  • No Homework
  • No Medication Needed
  • Heal Trauma In / Out of Relationship
  • End Negative Argument Cycles
  • Develop Healthy Communication
  • Potentially Avoid / Ease Divorce
  • Eliminate Anxiety & Depression
2 weeks


Couple's BC Retreat

Inquire for Pricing
  • Financing Available
  • Work 1-1 With Robert In-Person
  • Leading Edge Approach

    Clinically Verified
  • Fastest Results**
  • No Homework
  • No Medication Needed
  • Heal Trauma In / Out of Relationship
  • End Negative Argument Cycles
  • Develop Healthy Communication
  • Potentially Avoid / Ease Divorce
  • Eliminate Anxiety & Depression
2 weeks


International Retreat

Inquire for Pricing
  • Financing Available
  • Work 1-1 With Robert In-Person
  • Leading Edge Approach

    Clinically Verified
  • Fastest Results**
  • No Homework
  • No Medication Needed
  • Heal Trauma In / Out of Relationship
  • End Negative Argument Cycles
  • Develop Healthy Communication
  • Potentially Avoid / Ease Divorce
  • Eliminate Anxiety & Depression
2 weeks

Anything you want to ask us?

While we do our best to adhere to strict confidentiality, we cannot guarantee complete privacy when messaging us over the internet. Please only share what you feel comfortable sharing in this format.

Your Future
is in Your Hands

What Does EMDR Look Like?

Watch EMDR Demonstrations here (FULL Consent Provided by Actual Clients to share for educational purposes):

How Does EMDR Work?

Substantial evidence supports The Working Memory Theory as to the primary mechanism underlying EMDR’s effectiveness. 

According to this theory, the EMDR therapist activates your memory of a trauma or negative life experience from your long-term memory, bringing it into your short-term memory a.k.a your “working memory.” 

The EMDR therapist then applies bilateral stimulation (lateral eye movements, tapping, audio tones) or another kind of taxing task (as seen in EMDR 2.0 and EMDR 3.0). When your working memory is  “sufficiently taxed” the trauma memory loses its vividness and eventually loses its “charge” altogether because the working memory cannot hold every detail at once. 

The memory is literally changed in the brain with EMDR.

The EMDR therapist further assists you to then match and enhance your sense of mastery over the memory with a positive belief such as, “I can handle it,” “I’m worthy,” “I belong,” “I’m enough,” etc.

The “new memory” is then “reconsolidated” back into long-term memory and the symptoms related to that memory simply melt away.

You and your EMDR therapist continue with this process until all memories within the treatment sequence have been successfully neutralized and reconsolidated.

You are free to enjoy your life as you are meant to.

EMDR Therapy in Surrey

Public Domain Reviews & Recommendations

Better Connection. Improved Intimacy.

Prince Harry in suit - EMDR Therapy Services

Prince Harry, the former Duke of Sussex, told Oprah and Good Morning America he used EMDR to help with anxiety related to returning to the UK.

He originally heard of EMDR from his therapist.

Credit Agencja Fotograficzna Caro Alamy Stock Photo

EMDR Therapy Services

Ashley Judd used EMDR to process intense grief from the passing of her mother.

Credit: Ron Sachs CNP MediaPunch Alamy Stock Photo

Sandra Bullock tried EMDR - EMDR Therapy Services

After dealing with a stalker who broke into her home in 2014, Sandra Bullock decided to try EMDR.

Credit Allstar Picture Library Ltd Alamy Stock Photo

EMDR Therapy Services

Evan Rachel Wood was responsible for lighting the torch against Marilyn Manson for allegations of multiple counts of sexual abuse. The actress, model, and singer, told the world that she was going through EMDR therapy.

Credit Jennifer Graylock Alamy Stock Photo

EMDR Therapy Services - EMDR helped Kate Garraway cope with health-related stress

Good Morning Britain Star, Kate Garraway, shared she sought EMDR therapy to help her cope with her husband’s year-long battle with COVID-19.

Credit Rich Gold Alamy Stock Photo

EMDR can help with overcoming suicidal feelings, and anxiety related to cyberbullying

Michael Jackson’s daughter, Paris Jackson, went through EMDR treatment for PTSD, and suicidal thoughts triggered by social media.

Credit Jaguar Alamy Stock Photo

EMDR is helpful for healing alcohol and sex addictions

“Scary Spice”, Mel B shared she was overcoming self-destructive patterns of sex and substance abuse with the help of EMDR.

Mel B Credit Bill Belknap Alamy Stock Photo

EMDR can help with impostor syndrome

Actress and Comedienne, Whitney Cummings shared her experience of successful EMDR therapy to help her overcome “impostor syndrome,” saying “EMDR saved my life.”

Credit Media Punch Alamy Stock Photo

Russell Brand endorses EMDR

Already a mental health advocate, Russel Brand shared his stage with Jameela Jamil to promote her experience of EMDR.

Credit Lenny Monge Photo Works Media Alamy Stock Photo

Jameela Jamil used EMDR to overcome PTSD and suicidal ideation

“This month, 6 years ago, I tried to take my own life. I’m so lucky that I survived, and went on to use EMDR to treat my severe PTSD.”

Credit Paul Smith Alamy Stock Photos

What the Research Says...

TI-EMDR Couple's Fast Facts


Most frequent questions and answers

Speed of results.

While our Standard EMDR is still very effective, we typically offer 1-2 hours once or twice per week for approximately 3-5 months.

For those who wish to further accelerate their results, we offer Total Immersion EMDR Retreats for Individuals and couples (available as virtual as well as in-person).

Our Total Immersion EMDR Retreat occurs over the course of 3-5 consecutive full days of 6 hours of leading-edge EMDR treatment. 

Our Total Immersion EMDR Couples Retreat is a 9-day experience with both partners undergoing life-changing (and relationship-changing) results.

Not everyone will be a fit for Total Immersion EMDR Intensive or Retreat. Your safety is most important to us. In order to determine whether you might be a potential fit for our EMDR Intensives or Retreats, we require a specific conversation to discuss your options over a free consultation.

Most of our Total Immersion EMDR clients experience significant results in 3-5 days actually. The Total Immersion EMDR Couples’ Retreat is a variation of this approach and as such has been clinically-tested with dozens of clients, indicating successful treatment outcomes.

With that said, it is important to determine what “results” means in the context of couples therapy. It is impossible for any relationship therapist to ensure whether a relationship “survives” or not – as that is a personal decision, and may not be in the best interest of both partners. 

However, it is highly likely that each partner will experience clinically-significant results in terms of their personal healing journey.

We’ve all been fed the illusion that therapy takes time, it’s hard, and that it requires a lot of work. 

However, our 70+ clients who have undergone an EMDR Intensive or EMDR Retreat, can attest to near-immediate results they experienced after undergoing one of our EMDR Intensive or EMDR Retreat programs. 

It’s very important to consider what we call “The Compound Effect.” Regular EMDR sessions are great (still faster than other treatments), however, that can still take several months, and in some cases years. When conducting an EMDR Intensive or EMDR Couples’ Retreat, the couple spend longer periods of time in processing, without having to end the session and open it at a later date. 

This approach is for those who would prefer to just get it all over and done with as fast as possible. 

Don’t just take our word for it, the reviews and recommendations viewable in the public domain attest to our many satisfied clients.

This is fairly common. In order to undergo the Total Immersion EMDR Couples Retreat, you would both need to be on board for this treatment, however, you could begin with another of our clinicians to get started on your personal healing journey, and begin the TI-EMDR Couples Retreat when your partner is ready.

After the program is completed, you and your partner will continue to grow together as your nervous systems continue to attune more and more to each other’s. 

Some clients elect to continue with monthly or quarterly check-in sessions to further assist with integrating the changes into daily life.

There is no one-size-fits-all approach, just know that your therapist will be there to help after the program is completed.

(If you are travelling from a destination where your TI-EMDR Couples Retreat therapist is not licensed to work from, please discuss during consultation, as it is important to be connected with further support upon returned to your home destination.)

In most cases, a single EMDR Intensive program was sufficient to produce clinically significant results for the client. However, should more time be needed, clients are permitted to purchase additional session time as needed (1 to 6 hours). 

As a general practice we look to schedule 10 days of treatment with new Total Immersion EMDR Couple clients, often completing before the end of the 10th day. 

This would indicate tremendous success. In fact, our EMDR experts are working hard for this goal. If we can get you incredible results in less time, then why would we prolong your suffering? 

We want you to get to the other side of your issue(s) as fast as possible.

If you should complete your treatment in less time than scheduled, your invoice will also reflect the fewer treatment hours.

Please note that there are some fees that cannot be refunded due to potential travel and accommodation expenses. It is important to discuss this with your therapist during your consultation.

This would be a rare occurrence, but this concern is fairly common. Firstly, you’ve never done this before (even if you’ve tried EMDR before, Total Immersion EMDR is a unique experience). 

We do our best to ensure your safety at all times, and if that means stopping or delaying the completion of your EMDR intensive treatment program, we will do so. 

We will address this on a case-by-case basis to determine what the best course of action will be that is mutually respectful. 

However, your invoice will reflect an adjustment to account for the fewer treatment hours.

When you’re ready to continue, we will resume accordingly to ensure your safety.

Like EMDR strapped on a rocket ship.

Essentially, what occurs is an accelerated version of an already accelerated process of healing.

In general terms, you can expect four main phases:

  1. Foundations
  2. Processing
  3. Integration
  4. Continued Growth

All of our EMDR Intensive Programs and Retreats are conducted in 6-hour session blocks, with breaks taken as needed, including a lunch hour taken in the middle the day. 

The Total Immersion EMDR Couples Retreat will be tailored to meet the needs of the couple and may look different from client to client. Generally, couples can expect to spend most of the session time together where they can witness their partner’s processing — which often deepens the empathetic connection and improves intimacy.

In select cases, more than one therapist may be involved to ensure each partner is sufficiently supported throughout the healing process, and this may potentially delay the completion of the full program.

Regardless of how efficiently we work to achieve your desired results, your safety is always our top priority.

Our Total Immersion EMDR Retreats (both individual and couples) can be conducted online, or in a number of convenient locations throughout British Columbia, such as: Victoria, the Greater Vancouver Area (i.e. Vancouver, Richmond, Coquitlam, Surrey, Langley, Maple Ridge), and Kelowna; as well as internationally (please email if you are interested in conducting an internationally based Total Immersion EMDR Retreat). 

Total Immersion EMDR works similarly to EMDR, just faster.

Our brain absorbs millions of pieces of stimuli every second, and according to the Adaptive Information Processing theory (what EMDR is based upon), it uses that information to constantly adapt and grow. When the brain determines information is no longer relevant, it is updated and stored differently.

Trauma and highly distressing negative experiences are locked in the brain and nervous system as “critically important,” and everything that made those moments up become triggers to “help” the organism increase its chances of survival (which is why being triggered can feel like your brain has become hijacked and responses to “otherwise mundane” situations can seem so extreme at times).

During EMDR therapy, the process of bilateral stimulation taxes, then relaxes the brain’s attention to the critical importance of the stimuli associated with the events, and allows the nervous system to calm down. When the nervous system’s response is relaxed, the brain naturally comes to the realization that the information it was responding to so strongly is now outdated information from the past, and it can now update those events with current knowledge. It then stores the updated information as “factual events” (no longer critically important because the nervous system isn’t reacting negatively to it in the present moment, therefore it is no longer relevant for survival). 

The process thereby involves activating the nervous system (recalling negative memories), then taxing the Working Memory, then reconsolidation. 

Total Immersion EMDR compresses the above process into 3-5 days per individual instead of 3-5 months. 

After successful treatment, most clients report a complete elimination of the issue(s) they entered treatment for help with (this is dependent upon therapeutic goals of course). For example:

  • Improved communication and emotional foundation for intimacy
  • No longer experiencing anxiety or panic during situations that would have otherwise triggered the individual had they not undergone EMDR treatment
  • No longer feeling the urge to compulsively engage in unwanted behaviours or self-sabotaging behaviours
  • Feeling energized, motivated, and hopeful for the future when before they were experiencing symptoms of depression, burnout, or boredom
  • A calm nervous system, peaceful thoughts, and personal control; re-ignited passion; mental clarity; feeling present and grounded; mastery over your mind; increased productivity; increased capacity for intimacy, and enhanced communication skills; and more.

Having the right EMDR therapist can often be a differentiating factor. While EMDR is based upon a standard protocol, knowing how and when to deviate from that protocol in the best interest of the client, separates those who are simply “trained in EMDR,” from those with advanced knowledge and wisdom.

Robert Grigore MCP, RCC has spent years perfecting his Total Immersion EMDR process, and thus there is no other program like it.

Most clients experience such dramatic results by the end of the treatment program that they are amazed and can hardly believe it. 

Other changes are so natural and subtle that individuals only realize they’ve occurred after otherwise triggering situations are successfully handled, or close friends or family members point out the changes they are surprised to be observing (sometimes clients will text or email totally elated and want to share their breakthroughs…and we love it every time).

The important thing to remember is EMDR is as much a physical process as it is an emotional and psychological process (and for some a spiritual one as well). It is impossible to refute that when looking left the right hemisphere of the brain is activated, and vice versa (same with body taps). EMDR’s effectiveness is as real as gravity.

You can expect clinically significant results.

EMDR therapy facilitates rapid psychological processing, which can sometimes lead to temporary side effects lasting up to three days post-session. Common physical symptoms include headaches, stomach aches, fatigue, vivid dreams, and recalling forgotten memories. These are natural results of the brain’s neuroplasticity as it reconsolidates new information.

On the positive side, many clients report transformative outcomes, such as feeling calm in previously triggering situations, managing stress with confidence, and advocating for themselves effectively. These positive shifts are the intended goal of EMDR therapy, reflecting meaningful and lasting change.

It’s confusing isn’t it? Let’s bring some clarity here.

Psychiatrists are medical doctors (MD’s) with a focus on mental health. They can formally diagnose and prescribe medications.

Psychologists are “doctors of psychology” but are not medical doctors. They have a PhD. They are allowed to diagnose mental health conditions, conduct psychological assessments, but cannot prescribe medications.

Psychotherapists and Clinical Counsellors are interchangeable designations where each province will have certain protected rights to use a particular designation. For example, in British Columbia, we are called either Registered Clinical Counsellors or Certified Clinical Counsellors; in Ontario the term used is Registered Psychotherapist. Counsellors/Psychotherapists (whichever term is used) generally have a MA level degree, are able to conduct psychological /counselling services but are not able to formally diagnose, assess, or prescribe medication. 

Social Workers are able to conduct counselling sessions and are governed by the College of Social Workers. They may also belong to other professional associations and conduct therapy/counselling/psychotherapy within those guidelines.

Social workers most often have a MA level degree, and like Clinical Counsellors/Psychotherapists, cannot formally diagnose, assess, or prescribe medication.

Hope that helps!

Yes absolutely. While medication is not necessary for successful EMDR, we understand some individuals may enter treatment already taking prescribed medication. We believe medication taken for the correct reason has its advantages, and we want what’s best for our clients. With that said, it is important to understand that work conducted while on medication will influence results due to state-specific-learning. This means that new neurological connections are made which include those caused by the medication.

Often the positive effects of successful EMDR treatment propel individuals to discuss their options with their doctor for reducing or eliminating medication. Should this occur, some clients would need to return to re-evaluate previous work with their therapist to ensure results will be maintained. 

It is possible to notice with the absence of medication a very slight increase of distress associated with previous work, but often this can be corrected with minimal session time.


Some insurance carriers and extended benefit programs simply provide a reimbursement as a large sum payment.

However, some have limits as to how much can be covered “per session.” Over the years we have discovered some creative methods for encouraging the acceptance of intensive sessions by insurance companies.

It’s important to check with your insurance carrier to determine if they cover “Registered Clinical Counselling,” “Clinical Counselling,” “Counselling,” “Mental Health Counselling,” “Psychotherapy,” “Psychological Services.”

Some carriers only cover services from Psychologists, Psychiatrists, or Social Workers. Others accept Registered Clinical Counsellors (which is our most common designation). 

If you determine your carrier will accept our services in full or in part, you are required to pay in full for our services and then seek reimbursement from your insurance carrier.

If you find that your insurance carrier or extended benefits program does not cover any portion of the investment, you may check with your accountant to determine if the investment could be considered as a tax-write off for business purposes.

Finally, all counselling services in Canada are now exempt from charging GST, and are considered a health expense by the Canadian government, and thus can be claimed during tax filing. 

Because of the tailored nature of Total Immersion EMDR Retreats, it is difficult to provide a clear answer here.

Total Immersion EMDR services conducted virtually are simply the clinician’s rate multiplied by the number of treatment hours completed. 

However, in-person Total Immersion EMDR Retreats require additional fees for travel, accommodation, office rental. 

We therefore recommend inquiring as to pricing during your free consultation. 

When choosing therapy, consider the clinician’s licensing location, as services are tied to where the client is during sessions. Virtual therapy is an option if the clinician is licensed in your location; otherwise, travel may be necessary.

Virtual and in-person sessions are equally effective but differ in experience. Virtual sessions offer convenience, allowing clients to attend from home or work without travel or accommodations. Many clients find this enhances authenticity and fits busy schedules.

In-person Total Immersion EMDR Couples Retreats provide unique benefits, such as interventions requiring touch, full-body observation, and deeper attachment through shared physical space. Therapists can also better observe subtle partner interactions during in-person sessions.

Both options deliver remarkable results, and we’re happy to guide you in choosing what’s best for you during a free consultation.

Yes, through our partnership with Humm, we offer multiple financing options to assist clients with accessing the treatment they need while removing the financial barrier that might exist for some.

If you are interested in discovering if you qualify for financing, please speak with us during your free consultation.

It depends on the amount you are looking to finance. Humm has informed us that anything under $17,000 is a soft pull, and anything over this amount will be a hard pull on your credit (i.e. it will appear on your credit report).

It is possible to pay off a financed program early, with no penalties.

Anything you want to ask us?

While we do our best to adhere to strict confidentiality, we cannot guarantee complete privacy when messaging us over the internet. Please only share what you feel comfortable sharing in this format.

Free Ebook on EMDR

  • Dive deeper into EMDR’s 8-Phase Standard Protocol
  • Learn neurology of trauma and mental health distress
  • EMDR case studies and testimonials 
  • How to find the best EMDR therapist and what to ask them!

Free copy of Robert's book!

Dive deeper into EMDR and learn why You NEED Therapy!  Hint: Robert believes we all need therapy ;)

Inside you’ll discover:

  • Neurobiology of trauma
  • 30+ years of EMDR research
  • EMDR case studies and real client testimonials
  • Detailed overview of EMDR’s 8-Phase Standard Protocol
  • How to find the right EMDR therapist for you (and what to ask them)